A New Approach to Jewish Community
Learn About Becoming a Chaver in Shabbat with Friends
Several weeks ago, I shared with you Shabbat with Friends’ vision statement for a new kind of Jewish community. A community centered on the beautiful hospitality traditions of Judaism, a community that is home-centered, communal, and participatory. We received positive and enthusiastic feedback. Now, as we enter the festival of Sukkot, we are taking the next step and inviting you to join us: to become a Chaver—a Friend—of Shabbat with Friends.
Why on Sukkot? Of all the Jewish festivals, Sukkot is most deeply connected to the Jewish hospitality traditions. Jewish tradition calls on us to invite guests to share meals in the Sukkah. The Sukkah itself is a symbol of peace, of God’s shelter, and of comity. We could not think of a better time to formally establish the Shabbat with Friends community than the festival that marks the season of our joy-’zman simchateinu’, Hag Sukkot.
For the past two and one-half years since founding Shabbat with Friends, we have held dozens of Shabbat gatherings in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and other locations in between. We have celebrated Shabbat in homes, outdoor settings, and unique venues where we have made music and song, danced, studied Torah, and engaged in wonderfully rich conversations. Our gatherings have led to new friendships and experiences of a joyful and welcoming community.
Now it is time to take a new step and become an intentional community. There are two distinct ways Shabbat with Friends has chosen to establish our community. First, Shabbat with Friends is a community centered around the Shabbat home practices with a profound and shared commitment to acts of Shabbat hospitality.
Second, our community model of membership invites every member to active participation. By asking each member to host a Shabbat with Friends gathering, you become a partner in building an inclusive and robust network of Shabbat table celebrations all around New Mexico.
To be clear, our gatherings will continue to be free and open to all, a space where everyone can participate and experience the blessings of Shabbat and Jewish hospitality.
By becoming a Chaver-a Friend-of Shabbat with Friends you are making a meaningful contribution to Jewish community. We aspire to be something unique in Jewish life: a congregation of Shabbat hosts.
As we take this step, Shabbat with Friends is committed to exploring new and creative approaches to Jewish life. We envision a Jewish community that offers transformative Jewish learning and a participatory arena for acts of healing kindness. We are a community that through our love of Shabbat, paves multiple pathways to meaningful and caring relationships. We hope you will want to be part of it.
We invite you to read the Shabbat with Friends Communal Vision and our innovative approach to membership. We hope you and your household will be moved to become “Chaverim -Friends of Shabbat with Friends New Mexico.
Click on the link below to access the SWF communal vision statement and the application
-Rabbi Dov Gartenberg
Members of the SWF Leadership Team:
Shera Farkas, President
Richard Hammer, Vice-President
Janet Sanders
Douglas Jardine
Joy Rosenberg
Zachary Kolodny
Lee Peifer